Digital Agriculture Business Model

Digital Agriculture Business Model

CHS is committed to promoting new digital agriculture, helping farmers achieve more efficient and sustainable agricultural production by providing seeds (including crops and seedlings) and establishing an agricultural product exchange platform.

Seed supply: CHS provides farmers with high-quality seeds and seedlings to ensure health and high yields during the planting process.

Planting and harvesting: Farmers are responsible for the actual planting and harvesting. During this process, CHS will also provide technical support and agricultural consulting to help farmers cope with various challenges in the planting process.

Revenue sharing: As an employee of CHS, you can share the output of crops. You will receive a portion of the crop output every day to ensure that you have a stable income.

Trading market: CHS has established an agricultural product trading market platform, where you can sell the crop products you obtain on the trading market platform and convert your crop products into money.

In this model, farmers can focus on planting and production. And CHS's exchange platform will help you achieve higher returns. This model helps promote agricultural modernization and digitalization, and improve overall production efficiency and economic efficiency.