About CHS

About CHS

Company Background

CHS is a leading company that aims to promote new digital agriculture. Founded in 1929, it is headquartered in the United States. CHS's business design covers multiple fields such as agronomy, grains and food. It is committed to building connections to enhance agriculture and helping farmers, customers and other stakeholders grow their businesses through global operations. We are committed to helping farmers achieve more efficient and sustainable agricultural production by providing high-quality seeds and seedlings and establishing an agricultural product exchange platform. As an innovator in the agricultural field, CHS continues to provide farmers with advanced agricultural technology support and consulting services to meet various challenges in the planting process.

Main Business

Seed Supply

CHS provides farmers with first-class seeds and seedlings to ensure that they can obtain healthy and high-yield crops during the planting process. Our seed supply chain undergoes strict quality control to ensure the high quality and high-yield potential of each seed. Through cooperation with top seed producers, we continue to introduce and promote the latest seed varieties to meet the planting needs of different crops.

Planting and Harvesting Support

Farmers are responsible for the actual planting and harvesting work, while CHS provides comprehensive technical support and agricultural consulting services in this process. Our team of agricultural experts is always ready to provide farmers with the latest planting techniques and pest control solutions to help them cope with various planting challenges. Through continuous technological innovation and knowledge sharing, CHS helps farmers improve production efficiency and increase yields.

Promoting agricultural modernization and digitalization

CHS's business model focuses on promoting agricultural modernization and digitalization. By providing an efficient seed supply chain, professional technical support and an innovative revenue sharing mechanism, CHS helps farmers focus on production and planting. Our exchange platform provides farmers with a broader market space and higher income opportunities.

Looking to the future

CHS will continue to be committed to promoting the development of digital agriculture and provide farmers with better planting solutions through continuous technological innovation and service optimization. We believe that with the acceleration of agricultural modernization and digitalization, CHS will contribute more to the development of global agriculture and achieve higher production efficiency and economic benefits.

CHS is not only an agricultural enterprise, but also a partner of farmers and a promoter of innovation. We look forward to working with more farmers to move towards a new era of digital agriculture.